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Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

The Third Option

The other day I came across an interesting blog posting on Scientific American, one of my favorite places for ideas and scientific updates.

Just the title, Our Final Invention: Is AI the Defining Issue for Humanity? intrigued me, and I had to take a closer look.  This turned out to be a book review for a book by James Barrat called Our Final Invention.  I haven’t read the book yet, but it’s now on my short list.

The gist of the book is that it looks at what futurists revfer to as The Singularity.  For those who are not familiar with the concept, the technological singularity is that point where artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence.  The date for this event is typically placed around 2050, though a few minutes surfing through my cable TV channels is enough to make me think we may be much closer.

A major theme of the review (it’s not overly technical, give it a read) is that when we reach the point where the technological singularity occurs, there are two possible outcomes: either we have programmed the AI to serve us and be our slaves (e.g. Issac Asimov and his robot series) or they turn against us and wage war against their oppressors, as in Terminator and Battlestar Gallactica.

Frankly, if they really do become smarter than us, I suspect the first outcome is highly unlikely–but should that happen, I recommend that the first place we send these altruistic einsteins has to be Washington D.C.

What I found most interesting, though, is that they didn’t realize there is a third possible outcome–which is the underlying premise to my upcoming novel, The Archivist.  Sorry, no spoilers.  You’ll have to wait for it to be published.



Why Our Society Is Sick

Our society is sick.

The news lately seems to be flooded with accounts of bullying, rape, murder and suicide. There is the tragic story of Rehtaeh Parsons, a 17-year-old high school student from Halifax, Nova Scotia. According to news reports, this beautiful young girl was gang raped, ignored when she reported it to the authorities, and then brutally harassed and bullied after photos of her rape were circulated on the internet by the perpetrators. Even then, the boys were not held accountable, and the bullying continued after the girl moved until she finally hanged herself.

Rehtaeh’s case is almost identical to Audrie Pott, a 15-year-old girl in California who hanged herself when she was also gang-raped and then pictures posted online to humiliate her. These cases, of course, have come to light on the heels of the infamous Steubenville, Ohio rape case.

While teen suicide is not a new problem (I used to be a volunteer counselor for a teen suicide hotline) the advent of social media has taken teen pressure to a whole new level. Unfortunately, this new technology hasn’t come with social guidelines.

In itself, these stories are shocking and disturbing, and countless commentaries will certainly be written about them. What I find most troubling is how the communities these girls lived in responded when these pictures and acts were posted. The deeper question is how society responds, or fails to respond to these kinds of situations. Specifically, is there is a growing tolerance for socially harmful behavior that may stop just short of being legally prosecutable?

While the legal aspects of these cases are being pursued, what do these cases say about our society? I think the vast majority of people would agree that “wrong” behavior in our society is escalating out of control. The question being asked more and more is, what has happened to our sense of right and wrong?

I think it comes down to morals, which have been largely discarded in recent years. Morals are not religious values (though they can be espoused by a religion). Really, morals and ethics are those guidelines to “right” and “wrong” behavior. In a sense, moral values form the immune system of society, identifying problem behavior and quickly responding to it so as to minimize damage to the body of society. But when society stops caring about what happens to it’s body, is it any suprise that more and more people feel disconnected to that body? In the wake of the social revolutions of the past few decades, I believe our society has been left with a deep void of moral values.

So when I say that our society is sick, this is what I mean: that our society has the cultural version of AIDS.

While there is no easy definition of what makes for a healthy society, a body that attacks itself and does not protect itself from toxic contaminants is clearly not healthy. The most important first step in fighting off an illness is to recognize not only what is causing the sickness, but in this case why the body is not fighting it off. So one of the most important things that we as writers (to my writer friends) can do then is to try to boost that immune system, and hope the body starts taking better care of itself.

It’s beyond the scope of a blog post to provide the answers. But perhaps it can help clarify the problem.

Computerized Writers

I recently read a Wired magazine article that discussed how the reporting of local sports is starting to change.  Accounts of school sports, little league games, etc. are being outsourced, not to India or anywhere you can find on a map.  These stories are increasingly being written by computers.

All the virtual journalist requires are box scores, and using preset phrases and verbage, it can extrapolate an account of the game.  Those baseball stat lovers may not have been so far off base after all.  You can’t pass up how well a program like this runs, when it turns football games into a touchdown.  And get set to love what a good match this program is for tennis scores.

The point of all these bad puns is that computers are really good at running routine tasks.  But they can’t creatively express abstract concepts such as irony.  Though I suspect IBM’s Watson (the machine that beat Jeopardy champions) could make a good run at it.  What they can do is take routine facts and turn them into routine articles, something that humans probably found little joy in doing themselves.

We increasingly see ways that computers continue to take over more and more of what were once human chores.  Mindless chores, often thankless chores.  The problem is that often they were also paid chores.

In theory (and I’m sure it’s been done) a computer program could take an assortment of inputs (a 30 year old woman, a despondent police officer, a lost dog) and using an established formula, turn out a passable romance or mystery story.  Many genre after all have very well-defined patterns that are ideally suited for this sort of purpose.  And from what I’ve seen, humans will buy it up.

Where does that leave me, as a writer?  It doesn’t change a thing, because I’m still seeking to find what differentiates me from the average writer, be it human or cybernetic.  What special quality can I bring to the creative process that is unique?  It means I can’t simply churn out mindless drivel that any computer program can.

But that has always been my goal as an artist.  To be the best I can be.

The Correct Point Of View

My post today concerns writing, but applies to life in general as well.

Recently, an online question came up in one of the writing groups I’m involved with regarding what point of view (POV) was correct for a work of fiction.  I won’t go into an explanation of POV other than to say that the basic choices are first person (I wrote that), second person (you wrote that) and third person (she wrote that).  There are numerous variations of these basic choices and there are great websites that go into more detail on this than most people want to know.  In any case, the discussion revolved around some of those variations.

I made the point that rather than worrying about the popular trend, for me it’s more a matter of being true to yourself as a writer, and being honest with yourself as an artist.

There are very explicit rules for what a writer can and can’t do within certain genre, such as in romance and they do need to be followed. That said, you could follow a formulaic approach and write something that fits very comfortably within the herd, and you can probably manage to be successful (witness Eragon) even with mediocre writing.

However, I think it’s really important to be true to yourself and to the story. The POV is only one factor (albeit a very significant one) that makes up the complete personality of the work, so listen to the heartbeat of your story, how it wants to tell itself, and if you are really connecting with it you will know how to tell it…because that’s what we really are, are storytellers.

And if you try to tell your story in some way that isn’t “real” it’s going to come across as flat as a B-grade actor on the big screen. Because to really imbue your work with life, it has to flow from the deepest, most honest part of inside of you…and believe me, you can’t fake that effortless flow of genuinely honest writing. That’s something I’ve struggled with for a long time myself, my own personal Moby Dick.  And I am still hunting that great white whale but I’m seeing it come within harpoon range now.

My point with all this was that (and this is just my opinion)…worry about the quality of the prose, worry about the honesty and emotion of the writing, but don’t worry about the POV…if you are REALLY out in left field, you’ll know it if you’re honest with yourself and the story.

So how does this apply to life in general?  Whether it is work, our family life or the pursuits we fill our lives with outside of those things, we all have passions that we pursue.  And I think it’s important to be true and honest to those passions within yourself.  Some of the most miserable times of my life were when I was less than honest about what was inside myself.

So be true to what is inside yourself, and above all else, don’t stop pursuing your great white whale.

NorWesCon Session – “The Importance Of Abby”

This last weekend I went to the NorWesCon Sci Fi convention in the Seattle area, and attended a great workshop entitled The Importance Of Abby.  The session included Bridget Landry who addressed the stereotypes of women in the media, particularly strong, intelligent scientific women, i.e. geeky women.  Her point is that when women are (rarely) portrayed in the media in scientific roles, they are typically unfeminine, very serious and often unapproachable.  I haven’t done a research paper on this but I suspect there is a lot of truth to her assertion.

Then, along comes a character like Abby Sciuto from NCIS who breaks that mold. The panel discussion suggested that we as writers need to show more female characters who are top-notch scientists that are totally professional, and yet not constrained in their femininity. And while guys are often intimidated by such women, not all are and so we need to show that men can find such women damn attractive. Finally, to make it real and personal it’s also important to show the struggles that a character like this goes through, and how they overcome.

Ms. Landry gave me a lot to think about here, both in the characters that I’ve written in the past and the ones still gestating in that creative soup somewhere inside. I’ve certainly created some strong female protagonists but none that are scientific. Maybe because that story just hadn’t come to me yet, but also maybe because I wore the same blinders as everyone else. But as I think about it, I do have a WIP (work in progress) that I want to come back to, which NEEDS just such a character…I knew Hana was lacking something vital, and this is just what she needed.

On another level though, I think The Importance Of Abby goes beyond just female stereotypes. On a very deep level our society wears countless stereotype straitjackets. Can a Christian be a scientist (the subject of another post)?  Can someone support liberal causes and still be patriotic?  Every day I encounter people who are so locked into their own mindsets, that they lock others into being their enemies when they really aren’t.

So the real importance of Abby is in helping us remember that we are infinitely complex beings who can’t be mashed into any mold, even though it comforts many to try and do so.